Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy 100th Birthday Nanny!

The past two weekends have been full of fun for us.... Last weekend we went to Kevin's "Nanny's" 100th Birthday Party! We were so happy to be able to celebrate this wonderful day with her. We took some pictures of her and Carter together--the oldest and youngest there. While everyone was taking pictures, she leaned over to Kevin and said "hey, tell them to save some for next year!!". If only I can have her spunk when I get old....

We also took the opportunity to take a "Moon Family Picture" while we were all together. The only ones missing are Bailey and Bryon.

And of course, since we were at Kevin's grandparents house---Liliana had to ride the tractor...only problem this time was that she wouldn't ride with anyone but Mommy!!!!! So....what would a mommy do..>I rode the tractor! (and it wasn't green....)

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