Friday, October 17, 2008

The Return....

Today at about 4 p.m. (by the way it's a rainy,nasty day here), our neighbor's middle school son rang the doorbell. He's like "Hey, are you guys still missing your dog?" ....I was like..Yeah, but she's been gone for SEVEN days so I don't think she'll be back. He says.."We were out riding our bikes (He's ON his bike with a friend at my front the rain).. and WE SAW YOUR DOG! She's down the street. So Kevin jumps in the car and returns about 5 minutes later with none other than..our wonder dog..LUCY! She's been gone for SEVEN days... and right now, she's resting comfortably with a full belly and probably feeling much better than she has in a while. I was amazed! I had honestly thought I would never see her again. I'm so happy she's safe and sound. So...Pirate Pug the wonder dog needs a Halloween costume. Any suggestions?!? Maybe I should make her a "Wonder Dog" cape! :):):):):):)


Jill said...

How do you have time to make a Halloween costume with a 5 month old?

Amy Tarleton said...

i say you dress Lucy up like Liliana and Liliana up like Lucy! that would be hilarious!

The Pink Chick said...

She's back! I am so happy that you have your little Lucy back!