Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A shot of that...

Shots for both kids today. Liliana and Carter both did well with them. Carter did better than I expected. He cried for about 5 seconds after the shot and that was it. Liliana put on a little more of a show for us..but was still good. In her defense, she had to get two shots and Carter only got one. She was a little whiny tonight and went to bed early but other than that she seems fine.
Other updates from the dr.--
Carter is 8 lbs. 4 ounces and 20.5 inches long! WoW... he's grown from 6 lb. 14 ounces to that in 2 weeks!!!! That puts him in about the 20th percentile for both height and weight. We're still having "tummy trouble" and the dr. called it "mild colic" and has told us to try prune juice (for lack of dirty diapers :)) and Zantac for the acid reflux. Hopefully it will help and Carter's tummy will be feeling better very soon!
Liliana weighs 22 pounds and is 30 something (AHHH...I forgot already... ) inches long. Anyway...she is in the 90th percentile for her height and about 60 percent for her weight. She's doing great and everything is "on target" for her. Hopefully no more dr. visits until 18 months!

Hannah came and took pictures today. (YES...we had an eventful day!!) I can't wait to see our new "family photos"!!! We took them in "John Deere" colors/attire... and I have to say--they are going to be cute as a button! :0 Can't wait to see them!

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